Amba Bhadang (rice flakes chiwda) - 250 GM

Amba Bhadang (rice flakes chiwda) - 250 GM

Brand:Amba Bhadang
Product Weight:250 GM
Availability:In Stock
  • 3.39€

  • Inc. Tax 3.39€

Amba Bhadang Masala Mamra - Special Masala Puffed Rice

Traditional Taste of Kolhapur

Bhadang is a spicy snack made with with Murmura or Puffed Rice. In addition, it has peanuts, and dried coconut or kopra, and is spiced with red chilli powder and other spices.

Nutrition Information / Nährwerte (pro 100 g) Ca - 553kcal

  •   Energy / Energie                             2313,5 kj
  •  Protein / Eiweiß                               8g
  •  Carbohydrate / Kohlenhydrate      56g
  • Sugar / Zucker                                 6 g
  • Total Fat / Gesamt Fett                    33g
  •  -Saturated Fat / Gesättigtes Fett        7g
  •   -Trans Fat / Transfett                           0.20g  
  •   Sodium / Natrium                             380mg
  •   Salz                                                   -g 

Zutaten:  Puffreis, Baumwollsamenöl, erdnüsse, zucker, rotes chillipulver, knoublauch, salz, kurkumapulver, curryblätter.

Achtung: Für Allergene siehe Zutat in Fettdruck, dieses Produkt wird in einer. Einrichtung hergestellt, die Lebensmittel verarbeitet, die Weizen. Endhus Nüsse, und erdnüsseöl

Origin: M/S Amba Bhadang 

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Tags: Amba, Aamba bhadang, puffed rice chiwda